Saturday, September 24, 2011

Utah Continued...

Saw the performance of Winter's Tale. I am not sure if it is the seven years between performances, or a better understanding of the language, but I understood this production much more. It was interesting to see those on stage in clothes from the 20s and 30s, instead of the traditional Elizabethan Era. I know the ladies next to me were a little uncomfortable, but I think changing eras add a closer tie to the modern era.

Dial M For Murder was a fun and interesting production. I have not seen it on stage before, and I have not seen the Hitchcock version. I found out that Hitchcock based his on the original theater production, with only minor additions.

I can see why he did use the idea. It does appear to be the perfect murder. When it goes wrong, it still seems a perfect. But does someone actually get away with murder? You'll have to find out....

Utah Shakespeare Festival can be found @

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Location:Utah Shakespeare Festival

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